Rabu, 21 Maret 2012

I choose a business that would

Who would not like to eat fruit? Everyone would love to one part of four of five perfectly healthy diet is. Fruit is food that contains nutrients consisting of vitamins and minerals. In addition, fruits also contain lots of fiber which can help facilitate digestion. If described, then the function of fruits are so numerous, it is no wonder that every day many people troop to the consumption of fruits in a certain amount.

Fruits - Fruits contain lots of vitamins that humans need. Like it or not everyone should eat the fruit, to meet the needs of nutrients and vitamins they need. For that I am very interested in this business. Because it can be very profitable if done correctly. I dreamed to be a successful businessman like my father. If you do not start now, when??

Business sense

Business is an individual business activities organized to produce and sell goods and services in order to gain advantage in meeting and satisfying the needs of the community. Business is all the activities organized by people who have been in the field of commerce and industries that provide goods and services to maintain and improve standards and quality of life. Business is extremely important role in public life, because through the business activities of a company will be able to meet every need (needs) desires (wants) from a wide range of consumer society, so that consumers feel satisfied (customer satisfactions).

Etymologically, the business means the situation where a person or group of people busy doing the job that generates profits. The word "business" itself has three uses, depending skupnya - use of the singular word can refer to business entities, namely the unity of the juridical (legal), technical, and economic aims for profit or gain. Wider usage can refer to a particular market sector, such as "television business." The most widespread usage refers to all activities undertaken by community providers of goods and services. However, the definition of "business" the right is still a matter of debate to this day.


Tugas bahasa inggris bisnis 2

1.       Subject                                                 =  George
Verb phrase                       = is cooking
Complement                     = dinner
Modifier of time               = tonight

2.       Subject                                 = Henry and Marcia
Verb phrase                       = have visited
Complement                     = the president

3.       Subject                                 = We
Verb phrase                       = can eat lunch
Modifier of place             = in the restaurant
Modifier of time               = today
4.       Subject                                 = Pat
Verb phrase                       = should have bought
Complement                     = gasoline
Modifier of time               = yesterday
5.       Subject                                 = Trees
Verb                                      = grow

6.       Subject                                 = It
Complement                     = was raining
Modifier of time               = at seven o’clock
Modifier of time               = this morning
7.       Subject                                 = She
Verb                                      = opened
Complement                     = a checking account
Modifier of place             = at the bank
Modifier of time               = last week

8.       Subject                                 = Harry
Verb phrase                       = is washing
Complement                     = dishes
Modifier of place             = right now

9.       Subject                                 =  She
Verb                                      = opened
Complement                     = her book
10.   Subject s                              = Paul , William , and Marry
Verb phrase                       = were watching
Complement                     = television
Modifier of place             =  a few minutes ago