Kamis, 28 Juni 2012

Anomali Italia Menantang Kemapanan Jerman

VIVAbola - Selain Spanyol versus Portugal, semifinal Piala Eropa 2012 juga akan menghadirkan pertarungan Jerman kontra Italia. Sengit, kata itu rasanya cukup pas untuk menggambarkan pertemuan kedua tim nanti. Jerman datang ke kejuaraan sepakbola antarbangsa benua biru dengan modal kepercayaan diri tinggi. Lolos dari babak kualifikasi dengan mencatat rekor kemenangan 100 persen, Die Mannschaft disebut-sebut menjadi unggulan utama di turnamen ini bersama Spanyol.

Di putaran final ini Der Panzer membuktikan keperkasaannya. Mereka menjadi satu-satunya tim yang sukses mengantongi tiga kemenangan di babak Grup. Anak-anak asuh Joachim Loew juga tercatat sebagai tim paling produktif  sampai perempatfinal dengan mencetak sembilan gol. Sementara Italia mendarat di Polandia-Ukraina dengan membawa segudang keragu-raguan. Kekalahan yang diraih dalam tiga laga ujicoba terakhir membuat banyak kalangan pesimistis Gli Azzurri bisa lolos dari Grup C yang dihuni Spanyol, Kroasia dan Republik Irlandia.
Belum lagi persiapan mereka juga sempat terganggu oleh skandal pengaturan skor di kompetisi lokal. Atas persoalan itu bahkan Cesare Prandelli terpaksa mencoret  Domenico Criscito dari skuadnya.

Sejarah Memihak Italia

Satu hal yang bisa membuat Italia sedikit menepuk dada saat berjumpa Jerman adalah fakta sejarah. Dari 17 pertemuan, La Nazionale telah 10 kali membuat pasukan Die Nationalelf bertekuk lutut. Sementara Jerman baru empat kali unggul atas Italia.  Sedangkan sisanya berkesudahan imbang. Belum cukup sampai di situ. Jerman juga selalu gagal mengalahkan Italia selama 17 tahun belakangan,  terakhir mereka mampu menang 2-0 di laga ujicoba pada 1995 silam.

Italia sendiri terakhir kali menekuk Jerman di  semifinal Piala Dunia 2006. Pada duel di Signal-Iduna- Park, Dortmund, Jerman tersebut, Italia yang keluar sebagai juara mengandaskan mimpi tuan rumah melaju ke laga puncak setelah Fabio Grosso dan Alessandro Del Piero mengoyak jala gawang Jens Lehmann  di ujung babak kedua waktu ekstra.

"Jerman takut pada kami. Mereka tahu kami bisa menciptakan masalah. Semangat ini sama seperti pada 2006. Kami berada satu tingkatan dengan Spanyol," ujar  Andrea Pirlo penuh keyakinan. Sadar timnya berada di bawah bayang-bayang kelam, Joachim Loew selaku pelatih meminta para pemain tidak memikirkan catatan buruk itu. Dia ingin seluruh tim fokus ke laga yang akan dihadapi.
"Kita tidak bisa kembali ke masa lalu. Lupakan hal itu. Masa lalu tidak akan memiliki peran apapun dalam rencana kami," ujar Loew. "Statistik menggambarkan jika Jerman tidak pernah menang setiap melawan Italia di turnamen besar. Lalu apa salahnya? Situasi saat ini sangat berbeda dan hal itu tidak terlalu menjadi perhatian bagi kami,"  sambungnya.
Challenging the Reliability German Italian anomaly
VIVAbola - In addition to Spain versus Portugal, the 2012 European Cup semi-final bout will also present the German counter-Italy. Fierce, it's quite fitting that word to describe the meeting of two teams later. German football championships comes to blue continental nations with high confidence of capital. Qualification by winning a record 100 percent, Die Mannschaft touted to be the top seed in the tournament with Spain.

In this final round of Der Panzer prove valor. They became the only team that successfully bagged three wins in the last group. Foster children Joachim Loew also noted as the most productive team to the quarterfinals by scoring nine goals. While Italy landed in Poland-Ukraine with a myriad of doubts. The defeat was achieved in three games last test makes a lot of the Gli Azzurri pessimistic can qualify from Group C, inhabited Spain, Croatia and the Republic of Ireland. Not to mention they also got disrupted preparations by fixing scandal in the local competition. Of the problem was even forced to write off Cesare Prandelli Domenico Criscito of his squad.

History of the Italian Pro-
One thing that could make Italy a little patting his chest when I see Germany is a historical fact. Of the 17 meetings, La Nazionale has 10 times the army to its knees Die Nationalelf. While Germany only four times ahead of Italy. While the rest ending in a draw. Have not quite got there. Germany has always failed to beat Italy for 17 years, able to win their last test match at 2-0 in 1995.
Italy itself was the last time in the semi-bend Germany 2006 World Cup. In the duel at the Signal-Iduna-Park, Dortmund, Germany, the Italian who go on to win a dream frustrate the hosts cruised to the top of the game after Fabio Grosso and Alessandro Del Piero goalkeeper Jens Lehmann ripped the nets at the end of the second half of extra time. "Germans were afraid of us. They knew we could create a problem. Spirit is the same as in 2006. We are one level with Spain," said Andrea Pirlo confidence.

Realizing his team was under a shadow, as coach Joachim Loew asks the players do not think it's a bad record. He wants the focus to match the whole team to be faced. "We can not go back to the past. Forget it. The past will not have any role in our plans," said Loew. "The statistics describe if Germany had not won any tournament against Italy at large. So what's the harm? The situation today is very different and it does not really a concern for us," he continued.
European Cup semi-final match between Italy vs Germany will be expected to walk with a tight, exciting and interesting. considering the number of star players from both camps. Germany has proved valor, they became the only team that successfully bagged three wins in the last group. Foster children Joachim Loew also noted as the most productive team to the quarterfinals by scoring nine goals. While Italy landed in Poland-Ukraine with a myriad of doubts. The defeat was achieved in three games last test makes a lot of the Gli Azzurri pessimistic can qualify from Group C, inhabited Spain, Croatia and the Republic of Ireland. Who will be the winners and the entry reached the final? we'll see.